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Do Mormons Celebrate Holidays
Holiday Celebrations

Do Mormons Celebrate Holidays

Mormons, or members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, do celebrate many mainstream holidays and seasonal celebrations. However, their approach to holidays may differ in some ways from other Christian faiths. This article will explore how Mormons view and celebrate various holidays throughout the year.

Do Mormons Celebrate Holidays

Mormon Beliefs About Holidays

Mormons believe in Jesus Christ and seek to follow his example. The Book of Mormon teaches that Jesus organized a church during his ministry on earth and restored priesthood authority and sacred ordinances. Mormons believe their church is a restoration of Christ’s New Testament church.

As Christians, Mormons focus holiday celebrations on worshipping God and commemorating the life and mission of Jesus Christ. However, Mormons generally do not observe holy days not found in scripture or officially designated by church leadership. For example, Mormons do not celebrate saints’ feast days, Lent, or other extra-biblical observances.


Christmas is a major holiday for Mormons to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Mormon families may:

  • Display nativity scenes and decorations about the Savior’s birth
  • Enjoy traditional decor like Christmas trees, lights, tinsel, etc.
  • Give and receive gifts to emulate God’s gift of His Son
  • Serve others and donate to charity in Christ’s name
  • Sing or listen to Christmas hymns and carols
  • Spend time with extended family and friends

However, Mormons are taught to keep the focus of the season on worshipping Christ rather than getting caught up in more worldly traditions. Gift giving should not become overly materialistic. Mormons also do no typically observe customs like Santa Claus, reindeer, elves, etc. that detract from the religious meaning.

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Easter is another very significant religious holiday for Mormons as they reflect upon and gratitude for Jesus’s Atonement and Resurrection. Common Mormon Easter traditions include:

  • Attending special church worship services on Palm Sunday and Easter
  • Studying scriptural accounts of the Savior’s final week and Resurrection
  • Singing Easter hymns like “He Is Risen”
  • Decorating eggs as symbols of new life and renewal
  • Preparing Easter dinners or brunches for family and friends

While Mormons may participate in secular Easter activities like egg hunts or baskets, they maintain focus on the religious aspects of this holiday above all.


Thanksgiving provides Mormons an opportunity to follow Biblical admonitions to “give thanks unto God.” Typical Thanksgiving activities Mormons enjoy include:

  • Attending religious services to worship God and reflect on blessings
  • Enjoying traditional Thanksgiving foods and feasts
  • Sharing gratitude through prayer, testimony meeting, journaling, etc.
  • Serving those in need through charity and compassion
  • Spending time with family and community

Rather than centering Thanksgiving on food, football and shopping deals, Mormons make cultivating an attitude of gratitude the priority.

New Year’s Eve & Day

Mormons may gather with family or friends on New Year’s Eve and Day for parties, games, food and fellowship. However, the focus remains on the spiritual rather than worldly excess. Mormons often use New Year’s as a time to:

  • Reflect on spiritual growth over the past year
  • Set righteous goals and make resolutions for self-improvement
  • Spend time in nature appreciating God’s creations

The dawn of a new year motivates Mormons to improve their relationship with God and walk more closely with Christ.

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Valentine’s Day

Mormons celebrate Valentine’s Day centered on love, romance and family. Couples may exchange cards, flowers, chocolate and date nights. Parents help children make valentines to share at school. However, Mormons are taught that the greatest love emulates the compassion Christ showed all people. Valentine’s celebrations focus on strengthening marriages and families.

Mother’s Day & Father’s Day

Mormons highly value families as the basic unit of society and eternity. Hence they enthusiastically celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day as holidays to express appreciation for parental love and sacrifice. Mormons often honor their mothers and fathers by:

  • Making handmade cards and gifts
  • Doing special activities together as a family
  • Serving and helping lighten the load of daily chores
  • Feasting on a favorite home-cooked meal

Nothing pleases Mormon parents more than having their children thoughtfully show their love and gratitude.

Mormon Holidays

In addition to mainstream American and Christian holidays, Mormons enjoy a few special days designated by church leadership. These include:

  • Pioneer Day – July 24th commemorates the Mormon pioneers entering the Salt Lake Valley in 1847.
  • General Conference – A semiannual two-day weekend of sermons and instruction from church leaders.

These observances provide Mormons opportunities to reflect on their history and bind themselves to modern prophets and apostles.

Should Non-Mormons Celebrate with Mormon Friends & Neighbors?

Those from other faiths or backgrounds are always welcome to celebrate with Mormon friends, coworkers or neighbors! Mormons enjoy sharing holiday food, service and cheer regardless of religion. These celebrations provide great chances for fellowship and understanding between diverse communities.

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The most important consideration is to respect the central reason Mormons celebrate holidays – to worship Christ and follow His example. Attending religious services on Christmas, Easter and Pioneer Day provides a glimpse into the Mormon soul. Questions about beliefs should be asked with sensitivity.

In our pluralistic society, we can celebrate common values while respecting differences. Holidays like Thanksgiving, New Years and even Halloween bind communities together across lines of faith. Anyone reaching out in friendship will find open arms from Mormon families seeking to emulate Christ’s inclusive love.

Do Mormons Celebrate Holidays

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