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Hobby Lobby

Why Is Hobby Lobby Closed On Sunday

Hobby Lobby, the arts and crafts store chain with over 900 locations across the United States, is well-known for closing all of its stores on Sundays. This unique business decision stems from the Christian faith of Hobby Lobby’s founders and owners, David and Barbara Green.

Why Is Hobby Lobby Closed On Sunday

Hobby Lobby Owners’ Christian Beliefs

David and Barbara Green launched Hobby Lobby in 1972 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. As devout evangelical Christians, the Greens have always run Hobby Lobby based on biblical principles and Christian values.

One of their core beliefs is honoring the Sabbath and allowing their employees a guaranteed day off each week. For the Greens, Sunday is the Christian Sabbath, a holy day of rest and worship. Closing stores on Sundays allows Hobby Lobby employees to spend time with family, attend church services, and rest according to their Christian faith.

Setting an Example for Other Businesses

Despite some criticism and losing revenue by closing on Sundays, Hobby Lobby remains committed to giving employees a weekly day of rest. The company hopes to set an example for other businesses in making faith-based decisions instead of solely profit-driven ones.

The Greens accept that they lose business to the competition by locking doors on Sundays. However, they gain employee and customer loyalty in the long run. Closing on Sundays is now an entrenched company policy after 50 years in business.

Employee Satisfaction

Hobby Lobby employees appreciate having guaranteed Sundays off work. This allows them to spend time with loved ones, run errands, relax at home, attend religious services, and recharge for the coming work week.

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Customer Appreciation

Devout Christian customers admire and support Hobby Lobby’s stance on honoring the Sabbath. They will adjust their shopping schedule to other days when stores are open. These loyal customers appreciate that biblical principles come before profits.

Legal Challenges

Some critics argue that Hobby Lobby imposing Christian values on employees and customers crosses constitutional lines regarding separation of church and state. However, courts have upheld the owners’ rights to close on Sundays based on religious freedom.

Supreme Court Case

Hobby Lobby’s religious rights were re-affirmed in a landmark 2014 Supreme Court case. Justices ruled that private companies can opt out of laws that contradict owners’ religious beliefs. This case bolstered Hobby Lobby’s Sunday Sabbath policy.

State Law Exemptions

Hobby Lobby has also lobbied successfully for state law exemptions in some locations regarding Sunday store closing policies. This guarantees the company’s right to establish Sunday as a company-wide day of rest nationwide.

Comparison to Chick-fil-A

Hobby Lobby is similar to fast food chain Chick-fil-A in being founded by devout Christian business owners who close on Sundays. Both companies put principles before profits but gain customer loyalty despite criticism.

Critics vs. Supporters

Like Chick-fil-A, Hobby Lobby faces opposition for mixing biblical values and business practices. However, both companies have supporters who admire prioritizing faith over revenue on Sundays.

Employee Culture

Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-A share common Christian values that shape internal employee culture and policies. Closing on Sundays stems from creating a workforce built on biblical principles.

The Future for Hobby Lobby

Despite some opposition, Hobby Lobby remains committed to honoring the Christian Sabbath by closing stores on Sundays indefinitely into the future.

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Withstanding Criticism

Hobby Lobby accepts criticism from those who demand businesses stay secular. However, the owners feel answering to God is more important than pleasing critics or chasing profits on Sundays.

Ongoing Legal Battles

As cultural clashes over public expression of religious faith intensify, Hobby Lobby may face future legal challenges from opponents. However, the company has demonstrated its willingness to fight lengthy court battles to protect its principles.

Lasting Loyalty

Hobby Lobby will likely continue earning faithful customer and employee loyalty for prioritizing biblical values in its business model. Its stance on the Christian Sabbath sets it apart and appeals to its target demographic.

Why Is Hobby Lobby Closed On Sunday

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